

Saint Joseph’s study trip to Vancouver took place for the first time in 2002, making the March 2019 trip the 18th time we have visited the Vancouver area. This year there were 15 participating students (JHS 3rd grade ~ SHS 2nd grade) and 2 accompanying teachers. As always, the warm welcome given to us by the host families, teachers / programme coordinators and high school buddies made the trip a truly special trip for all. Please enjoy reading about everyone’s experiences below.
2019年3月20日~ 30日
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Canada Trip (青木ちはる / Chiharu Aoki)
カナダ研修を通して学んだこと (平野里奈 / Rina Hirano)
私はこの研修に去年参加させて頂き、二度目の参加となりました。わたしが二度もこの研修に参加させて頂くことにしたのは、一度目の研修でホストファミリーとのコミュニケーションに失敗したのでもう一度チャレンジしたかったからと、今回参加を予定していたロス研に必要な資格を持っていなかったからです。もちろん今年もこの場所で素敵な思い出をもう一度作りたかったからです。去年、ホストファミリーとのコミュニケーションが失敗したのは、私がイエスかノーかをはっきりさせなかったのが原因だと思ったので、今回は積極的に自分の意思を伝えることにしました。それを実行したところ、ホストファミリーとの会話を楽しむことができました。特に食事の場面では自分の意思をはっきりさせる事によって、トラブルを起こすこともなく、楽しくホームステイを過ごすことができました。 そこで私は、自分の意思を伝えることがホームステイを楽しく過ごす鍵だと実感しました。これはホームステイに言えることだけでなく、全てのことに通づることだと思うので、この経験を忘れずにこれからの人生の糧にしていきたいです。バディとの活動では、去年は女の子だけの参加だったのですが、今年は男の子の参加が多く、交流に戸惑う事もありましたが最終的には打ち解けることができ、素敵な思い出を過ごすことが出来ました。最終日には、バディが特製のビデオを作ってくれて感動な時間をみんなと共に過ごすことが出来ました。そして、去年のバディ逹と再会することが出来ました。こんなに早く再会出来るとは思っていなかったので嬉しかったです。また、この体験は2度参加しないと体験出来ないことだったのでとても感動したし、素敵な時間を共に過ごせました。今回のカナダ研修も、色んな方々と交流することができ、そして素敵な思い出をたくさんたくさん作ることが出来ました。この素敵な思い出をたくさん作ることができたのは、一緒に今回参加することになった同級生や後輩、先輩方や引率の先生、ホストファミリー、バディ逹がいてけれたからこそだと思います。そして、二度もカナダ研修への参加を許してくれて、応援してくれた家族には感謝しきれません。この思い出を二度と忘れずに、胸に刻んでいきたいです。この研修にたずさわってくださったたくさんの方々に感謝しきれません。
My Wonderful Memories in Canada (平尾みく菜 / Mikuna Hirao)
休日は、家が近い先輩と買い物に行って夜はWhite Rockを見に行き、そこで見た夕日と木のライトアップがとても綺麗で感動しました。家に帰ってからお父さんと弟とクリベッジというトランプのゲームをして遊び、勝ったので嬉しかったです。次の日も先輩とBarnaby Village Museumに行き、酔いそうなくらい長い時間メリーゴーランドに乗りました。夜はスパイダーマンの映画を見に行きました。
水曜日にした5 pin-bowlingはコツをつかむのに時間がかかりましたが、Buddyのアドバイス通りに投げたらストライクが出てとても嬉しかったです。午後は英語のクラスに戻ってドリームキャッチャーを作りました。何度やり直しても先生に間違えていると言われ、器用なBuddyと先輩が作るのを手伝ってくれたおかげで何とか作り終えることができました。
カナダ研修で感じたこと (今井弥生 / Yayoi Imai)
Good experiences in Canada (岩手里衣子/ Riiko Iwate)
Before I go to Canada, I was looking forward to this school trip, but I was also worried whether I could speak English. But I didn’t have to worry about that. Because my teachers, buddies, my host family and my friends were all kind to me.
I watched many movies with my host sister at my host family’s house. They were very interesting!! It is still difficult to understand the content without subtitles now, but I wanted to be able to enjoy movies just by sound.
Also, the food that my host mother made was so delicious. I was able to eat Japanese food arranged in Western style, for example udon and soup with tofu.
Then, what I especially liked in this trip is time to chat with buddies and friends. I taught Japanese to buddies and learned about the buddies’ schools. I am back in Japan and still keep in touch with them.
I am glad I went to Canada and met everyone! And I want to improve my English more!!
My experience in Canada (加藤綾乃 / Ayano Kato)
Before we left Japan, I was worried because it was the first time to have home stay alone. I was afraid I could talk with my host family, but they were so kind that I had really great time. I spent the weekend with my host family. They took me to many places. For example, church, beach, park, shopping mall, library. The most impressive place are the church and the park. Before I went to there, I thought we had to pray quietly in the church but actually we sang many songs with the band’s performance. It was really fun. After praying, we talked at cafeteria. I had more fun than I imagined. Whenever I went to the park, I could see some wild bunny. I could never see it in Japan, so I was excited. I played with my host sister every night. We did board game and played soccer and volleyball. We enjoyed it very much.
On weekdays, we went to many sightseeing spots and enjoyed some activity. Gas town is the place I was most impressed about. The town is very fashionable and there were many souvenir’s shops, so I enjoyed taking pictures and buying some souvenirs for my family and friends. The most fun activity was 5 pin bowling. 5pin bowling is Canadian traditional bowling. I did 5 pin bowling for the first time. It was more difficult than I expected. But I could really enjoy it. Buddy joined activity with us every day. They were so kindness and we were able to get along well.
Canada has more nature than Japan. I had a wonderful 10 days in Canada. I learned the importance of actively talking. I could know my English ability this time and I wanted to study and speak English more. And one day I want to go to Canada again.
My Adventures in Canada (加藤桜 / Sakura Kato)
カナダで過ごした10日間はあっという間でしたが、とても楽しく異文化を体験でき有意義な時間を過ごせました。 私は最初 一人でホームステイすることは初めてなので、不安でいっぱいでしたがホストファミリーのみなさんは出会った瞬間から笑顔で迎え入れて下さって、私はすぐ打ち解けることができました。ホームステイの初日からホストマザーやホストファザーとカナダの文化や教育、国民性などいろんなお話をしました。日本の文化や生活のことを質問された時、言いたい単語がわからなかったので身振り手振りと意味の似た単語を使って説明しました。ホストファミリーは最後まで丁寧に話を聞いて下さって、わからない単語はわかるまで優しく教えて下さいました。カナダと日本の文化の違いや新しい英単語を学べて勉強になりました。ホストブラザーともたくさんお話したりトランポリンや庭で遊んだりしました。子供の英語の方が速くて聞き取るのが少し難しかったですが、積極的に話しかけてくれて本当に楽しかったです。
Thank you for all your kindness.
There are the best memories of my life.
I want to go back to Canada again.
My Adventures in Canada (駒田あずさ/ Azusa Komada)
Before we left Japan, I was worried because I can’t speak English well, but I could communicate with my host family.
I could have a lot of fun and a very good experience.
I could also learn a lot of things that I didn’t know about Canada.
I want to go to Canada and meet my host family again.
My treasured Canada trip (森本愛望 / Manami Morimoto)
Before we left Japan, I was worried that I could really enjoy learning in the next ten days. When we arrived at Vancouver International Airport, I saw big totem poles in front of me and my feelings were up then. I was nervous when I met my host family, but I talked a lot with them from the study center until we reached my host family`s home. I was able to learn the culture of Canada happily thanks to Ms. Ashley and Canadian buddies. My favorite English class memory is making Dream Catchers. It is difficult for me to do that, but my Dream Catchers was very beautiful. I was very happy to make it. Now, it is hanging on the wall in my room. Canadian food was very delicious and it is very memorable for me to make some pizza with my host mother and eating ice cream at Menchies with my host family. Also, my favorite homestay memory is skating with them on holiday. I had never skated, so it was very different for me. However, my host mother helped me, so I could skate well enough. She treated me like a real daughter. I could enjoy spending time with my host family. My favorite field trip was Gastown, because I could buy a lot of souvenirs. For example, I bought a bear doll wearing sweater put a maple, so it is very cute. After buying them, our group walked along the historical and stylish street. Also, I could take a lot of pictures. It was a great opportunity for me to spend time in Canada, and I would like to go back to Canada. I`ll never forget these memories.
My new experiences in Canada (西村優花 / Yuka Nishimura)
Before I left Japan, I was very worried because I can’t speak English well and I wondered whether I can get along with my host family, the buddies in Canada, my teachers, and my friends, but everyone was so kind and polite that I need not have worried.
The overseas trip this time was different from the time in New Zealand, so it was in line with the program, and I think it was a very good experience to learn and learn different cultures in different ways.
During the overseas trip I went to when I was in second grade, I had a Japanese homestay, so when I first went to my Canadian host family’s house, I was very nervous.
My host family did not speak Japanese at all, but I was very happy because they were kind.
I hope this experience will help me in the future.
カナダ研修(Himari Shimizu / 清水向日葵)
私がカナダ研修を通じて感じたことは、カナダという国がとても素晴らしいということと、 英語がもっと上手になりたいということです。
My Trip to Canada (樋田名律 / Natsu Toida)
I went to Canada for the first time. At first, I was worried whether I could have a good time. But it was great fun from the first day, and I met a very nice host family. They welcomed me. I became very friendly with my host sister. We played with dolls and went walking every day. It was very fun.
It was our teacher Ashley and the buddies who made this trip even more enjoyable. I’m very grateful to the buddies who gave me a polite description at every tourist area. Thanks to that, I wanted to speak English well.
It was an important trip that changed my mind about English. I’m very grateful to my parents and the Canadian who provided us with great experiences on our trip. The memories of this trip are my treasure.
My unforgettable days in Canada (内山奈津芽 / Natsume Uchiyama)
My favorite English class’s memory in Canada was making a dreamcatcher. It was rather difficult for me to make it, and I needed many Canadian buddies to help me to make it. Thank you, buddies! Though I was not a good dreamcatcher maker, but I had a really great time. I hope my dreamcatcher will make good dreams out of bad dreams.
My host family were always so nice and kind. They took me to go shopping a lot and sometimes we watched TV programs, like my favorite one, “Downton Abbey”, together. I really appreciated that they talked to me many times. On the weekend, we played card games. They taught me a card game called “Sequence”. That was very fun. And I introduced them Hanafuda. It is, as you know, a Japanese card game.
Thanks to my host parents, I could spend a great time in Canada. I think my host parents also enjoyed spending time with me. On Sunday, they took me to the church. It was the first time for me to go to the church and it was the first time praying and singing in the church with many people. I kind of liked the atmosphere in the church. I think that’s also because I like singing and listening to the music.
I really learned a lot in Canada. Thanks to everyone I met in Canada, I had a wonderful time. My favorite place in Canada is Gastown. That’s because I could see nice views and I bought a lot of Canadian souvenirs there, and also because I talked to Canadian buddies a lot. I also enjoyed 5-pin bowling. We were excited at the bowling lanes.
I spent the wonderful staying in Canada. I must thank my parents, my host parents and Saint Joseph Joshi Gakuen! In the future, I`d like to visit Canada again and I’d like to visit many countries!
Got a hint from Canada (藪本舞凜 / Marin Yabumoto)
My first homestay abroad was a very good experience for me. At first, I was very worried because I can’t speak much English. I met my host family soon after we arrived in Canada. Sometimes I was puzzled because our communication didn’t go well, but they were very helpful because they said, “It’s OK to speak slowly.” Thanks to their kindness, I was able to talk a lot with my host family and the Canadian buddies.
Canada is a very good place and I have a lot of wonderful memories. White Rock in particular was a favorite place. I could buy a lot of souvenirs in Gastown, and it was nice to see the Steam Clock. The traditional totem pole dance at the study center was a lot of embarrassment, but it was also a lot of fun. It was also the first time for me to try 5-pin bowling and it was a very different challenge from bowling in Japan, but it was very fun.
I went to Canada and learned the importance of making the most of time. It was really good to be able to get some tips on what I want to do by participating in this overseas trip. I feel that it will be very meaningful for what I want to do from now on, both as a final-year high school student and in the future. It was a very good memory and experience.
My special memories in Canada (山本彩奈 / Ayana Yamamoto)
私がこのカナダ研修に参加して良かったと思うことはたくさんありますが、中でも歴史ある場所に行けたことや、日本では体験できないことをたくさんさせていただいたことがすごく心に残っています。Fort Langley やPeace Arch Park, Gastown では、歴史を感じることが出来ました。また、日本ではできない5-pin bowling, Dreamcatchers 作りなど貴重な体験をさせていていただきました。それらは、以前に場所の名前やもの自体を写真などで聞いたり見たりしたことがありましたが、実際に見たり作ったりなどといった体験はしたことがなかったのでとてもいい経験になりました。
このカナダ研修を終えて、私は学んだことがあります。それは、積極的に会話をすることの大切さです。私は積極的にhost familyや一緒に行動してくれたbuddiesに話しかけました。自分から話しに行かなければ、相手も話しかけてくれないことを改めて感じさせられました。また、自分の知っている英語が向こうの人からすればすごく少ないということも感じさせられました。だから、これからは今まで以上に英語の勉強を頑張ろうと思います。このような素晴らしい経験を自分の将来につなげられたら幸いです。
A Glorious Canadian Spring! (Anthony Hollinghurst)
“It’s going to be colder than Japan…It usually rains a lot in Vancouver in March…It won’t be very sunny…” Before we left, I had warned the students several times not to expect good weather in Canada in March. Well, I was…wrong! This year we had the best weather I have ever seen there. It was sunny, warm, and I think it only rained once! Canada is especially in the sunshine, so I was very happy that everyone could enjoy such great weather this year.
Another difference from previous years was the number of male Canadian buddies. Usually most of the buddies are girls, but this year we had no fewer than 5 males! I was a little worried at first whether the students would get on well, but, as usual, everyone became friends. In fact, they became so close that, for the first time, 4 of the (male) buddies came to the airport with us on the last day to say goodbye!
We all made a lot of wonderful memories, with the buddies, host families, our excellent teacher / coordinator Ashley, the seniors at the Senior Centre, the First Nations’ instructor Mavis, and of course all the animals at Aldor Acres!
The most important thing to remember from this trip is, however, not nice memories, photos, souvenirs, or even new English words. It is understanding a little about how people in Canada live and think, and accepting that there are many different, and equally good, ways to live in this world.
I was surprised (上島恵美 / Emi Uejima)
My purpose in participating in this trip to be more serious about English learning than the students. I wanted to spend my time as a Canadian and so I asked my family to call me Emily.
I didn’t go to a sightseeing area with my host family. They accepted me into their ordinary life. I helped my host mother cook, went to church, went shopping and played card games with them. I was very happy because they spoke slow and simple English. They waited until I understood, and they tried hard to understand my words. My host father taught me the way of speaking. He was a very strict teacher. I had pronunciation practice all the time. My host mother was always kind to me. She told me “You are a member of the family.” I was very happy to hear that.
Before I went to Canada, I was concerned about using English. I think I took a positive attitude in English. In fact, I cannot believe it. Thank you for everything.
UBC (University of British Columbia)
Fort Langley
Aldor Acres Farm
Teaching Japanese at a senior centre
Learning about First Nations’ culture
Peace Arch (Canada / USA border)