
This morning we held a welcome assembly for the 14 students and 2 teachers from our sister school in the Philippines, PAREF Woodrose, who arrived on Friday night for a 10-day visit. The visiting students were greeted enthusiastically by our students and impressed us all with their self-introductions in Japanese. The rest of the assembly took place in English, and the Woodrose students were taken to their host classes at the end to participate in lessons for the rest of the morning. Everyone has been looking forward to their visit hugely, and we hope our ‘sisters’ thoroughly enjoy their time at Saint Joseph.
今年もフィリピンの姉妹校生をお迎えしました。1時間目に学園会役員によるAll Englishの全校集会で歓迎しました。姉妹校生は上手な日本語で挨拶してくれました。2・3時間目は授業に参加し、午後は日本文化体験を行いました。