The school hosted two online events highlighting our global education. On March 8, two of our graduates who are currently studying in the USA answered questions from students who are interested in studying overseas in the future. Murata Airi is a second-year student in the undergraduate Fashion Merchandising program at Fontbonne University in Saint Louis, a sister university. Watanabe Yuki is close to completing a master’s degree in Accounting at the University of Missouri – Kansas City and will then be working in the USA. Both graduates spoke about their reasons for choosing to continue their education in the USA after leaving our high school and answered many questions about their experiences. It was a valuable experience for our students to meet and speak directly with seniors who are broadening their horizons overseas.
3月8日、現在、アメリカの大学に在学中の卒業生2名が、留学に関心を持つ生徒たちからの質問に答えました。60期生の村田愛莉さんは、姉妹大学であるセントルイス市にあるFontbonne Universityのファッションマーチャンダイジング専攻2年生です。57期生である渡邊優希さんはUniversity of Missouri – Kansas Cityで会計学の修士課程在学中で、修士号プログラムを終えた後、米国で勤務する予定です。2人は、なぜアメリカの大学を進学先に選んだのか、その理由を語ったあと、在学生からの多くの質問に答えました。海外で視野を広げている先輩方の生の声を聞くことは、参加した生徒たちにとって貴重な経験となりました。
On March 10 we welcomed representatives of two sister universities, Elms College in Chicopee (MA) and St. Catherine University in St. Paul (MN) for an online introduction to their universities. We were also joined by Martha Malinski, Executive Director of the Association of Colleges of the Sisters of St. Joseph, who spoke about the educational philosophy of the nine member colleges. Students attending the event were given detailed information about each university and about student life for international students in the USA. Although the presentations were in English, the speakers from Elms and St. Catherine had both previously lived in Japan and were able to share some of their Japanese skills with us!
3月10日は、姉妹大学であるチコピー市(マサチューセッツ州)のElms Collegeとミネソタ州セントポール市のSt. Catherine Universityの代表から、それぞれの大学の話を聞かせていただきました。また、姉妹大学連盟(ACSSJ)事務局長であるマーサ・マリンスキーさんも参加され、9つの大学の教育理念について話していただきました。このイベントに参加した生徒には、各大学の情報や、米国での留学生活についての説明がありました。説明は英語で行われましたが、Elms CollegeとSt. Catherine Universityの代表は2名とも日本に住んでいたことがあるので、日本語で少し話をしてくれました。
Each of the 9 colleges in the ACSSJ offers scholarships to students at this school who wish to undertake an undergraduate degree program there.
▶Association of Colleges of Sisters of Saint Joseph (ACSSJ) 姉妹大学インフォメーションミーティング 2023.3.10