One group of 6th Grade students is spending an hour every week in the school library doing Extensive Reading (ER) activities in their English Reading Comprehension class. Simply put, ER is;
Reading Quickly and
Enjoyably with
Adequate comprehension so you
Don’t need a dictionary
(taken from The Extensive Reading Guide, ER Foundation)
Through ER, students meet and learn vocabulary in its natural context and develop reading speed and fluency. This in turn leads to increased confidence, motivation and a love of reading.
Students in the ER class are keeping a record of the books they read in ‘My Joseph English Reading Journal’, and will be writing book reports in a variety of styles, then sharing these with their classmates.
The Saint Joseph school library currently contains about 2,000 English books at a variety of levels.
多読授業を受講している生徒は、「My Joseph English Reading Journal」に読んだ本を記入し、英語で感想文を書き、それをクラスメートと分かち合います。