2021.3.8 Sister University Graduate Online Talkshow
We had an online ‘talkshow’ with 3 Saint Joseph graduates who chose to study at Fontbonne University, our sister university in Saint Louis in the USA. Aki Kato has just finished her studies at Fontbonne and is currently working in the New York area on a one-year internship program. Anna Takano will soon complete her bachelor’s degree at Fontbonne and return to Japan later this year to start working. Airi Murata graduated this year from Saint Joseph and will be leaving for the USA to start her degree at Fontbonne in the summer. The 3 graduates spoke to current junior and senior high school students about their reasons for choosing to study at overseas, with both Aki and Anna also sharing their experiences of studying at the university and daily life in the USA.
It was a precious opportunity for our students to get first-hand information about the tremendous benefits of undertaking higher education overseas.
アメリカ・セントルイスにあるフォントボンヌ大学に進学した卒業生3名と、オンラインで話す機会をもちました。フォントボンヌ大学を12月に卒業した加藤愛希さんは、1年間の職業体験プログラム (OPT)を利用して、現在ニューヨークで働いています。鷹野杏那さんは、 5月にフォントボンヌ大学を卒業する予定で、卒業後は日本での就職が決まっています。3月に本学園を卒業した村田愛莉さんは、この夏にフォントボンヌ大学に入学します。 3人の卒業生は、海外進学を決めた理由を本学園の生徒(高校生8名・中学生2名)に話してくれました。 また加藤さんと鷹野さんは、大学での学習や生活体験を話してくれました。
2021.3.10 姉妹大学オンライン説明会の様子
2021.3.10 Sister University Online Information Meeting
2 days after hearing about the experiences of Saint Joseph graduates who chose to study at a sister university in the USA, current students had the opportunity to meet representatives from 3 of our American sister universities. Martha Malinski, from the Association of Colleges of Sisters of Saint Joseph (ACSSJ) started the meeting by sharing a short video to introduce all the 9 universities and colleges in the ACSSJ, which was followed by presentations from Fontbonne University (Saint Louis, MO), Mount St. Mary’s University (Los Angeles, CA) and St. Catherine University (St. Paul, MN). Students also had the chance to ask questions to each representative.
In addition to a generous scholarship given to all international students, Saint Joseph students are eligible for an extra annual scholarship of up to $2,000 (about 220,000 yen) because of our special relationship with the ACSSJ members universities and colleges.
As the students who attended the meeting discovered, Saint Joseph is the school to go to for students looking to broaden their horizons on a global scale!
2021.3.10 姉妹大学オンライン説明会の様子