2022.3.15 Sister University Online Information Meeting
国際教育推進室の担当教師から姉妹大学組職(ACSSJ)の9大学を紹介した後、ミズーリ州にあるFontbonne Universityに在学中の村田愛莉さんに話をしてもらいました。村田さんは海外大学の進学理由、そして大学1年目の経験を語ってくれました。
その後、アメリカ東海岸にあるElms College(マサチューセッツ州)とThe College of St. Rose(ニューヨーク州)の代表者から、大学やその地域の環境、入学条件やスカラシップについて、プレゼンテーションの形で説明をしていただきました。本学園の生徒達も、直接質問をすることができました。
We were very pleased to host our second online sister university online information meeting, attended by junior and senior high school students as well as several parents. First, we heard from Murata Airi, a graduate of Saint Joseph who is currently studying at Fontbonne University (St. Louis, MI). She told the participants about her reasons for choosing Fontbonne and about her active college life, which includes being in the cheerleading team! After that, representatives from Elms College (Chicopee, MA) and The College of St. Rose (Albany, NY) introduced their universities and spoke about the numerous merits of undertaking higher education in the USA. All three universities, along with the other 6 members of the Association of Colleges of Sisters of Saint Joseph (ACSSJ), offer very generous scholarships to graduates of our school who decide to study at a sister university.