

小学生の部の出場者は、20世紀の初めに活躍していたイギリス人作家であるラドヤード・キップリングの作品 “How the Camel got his Hump”と “How the Rhinoceros got his Skin”を元に作った2つの暗誦文から選び、発表しました。3つの会場での予選に続いて、12名がファイナルコンテストに進みました。ファイナルコンテストには前葉泰幸津市長様、津市教育委員会伊藤様、山岡様にご出席いただきました。また、小学生の部、中学生の部の審査委員長には上智大学言語教育研究センター准教授の今井康博先生をお招きしました。出場者のみなさんの努力と素晴らしいパフォーマンスに大変感動し、ファイナリストと受賞者を選出するのに大変苦労しました。

中学生の部の出場者は “My hero”と “My favorite place” の中からテーマを選び、自由英作文を発表しました。自分の考えや意見に基づいたスピーチをくりひろげた姿はとても印象的でした。中学生の部の優勝者には津市教育委員会堀内様よりトロフィーと賞状が授与されました。



We were delighted to host the 14th Saint Joseph English Speech Contest for the Mayor’s Cup on Sunday 3 September, 2023. 54 elementary students and 23 junior high school students from across Tsu City, other parts of Mie and even further afield, came to our school to perform a recitation or self-written speech. The judges, including Professor Imai Yasuhiro from the Center for Language Education and Research at Sophia University, were all extremely impressed by the high standard of performances, both in terms of English ability and also presentation skills. In his role as Head Judge, Professor Imai offered some invaluable advice to students in both divisions about the importance of a speaker making a connection with his or her audience, thereby making the listener the “hero” of one’s presentation. In addition to Professor Imai, we were also once again honored to welcome Mr. Maeba Yasuyuki, the Mayor of Tsu City, who attended the Final Contest of the Elementary School Division, awarding a trophy to the winning student and addressing the audience in both Japanese and English. Ms. Ito, Mr. Horiuchi and Ms. Yamaoka from the Tsu City Board of Education were also in attendance during the contest, and we offer our heartfelt appreciation to them and everyone connected with English education in this area for their unwavering support of our contest.

Thanks go to the sponsors of our contest, the Tsu City Board of Education, the Chunichi Shimbun, the Eiken Foundation of Japan, GRAS Group (Weblio) and Casio Computer Co. Ltd. for their continuing support. We also offer our gratitude to the families and teachers of all our participants for assisting them with their preparation for the contest and their support on the day itself.

Next year’s contest is scheduled to take place on Sunday 1 September, 2024. We hope to have information about the contest available on this website from May.




