


小学生の部の出場者は、アメリカ先住民話Tender Flower and the Medicineとロシアの民話The Tailor and His Coatを元に作った2つの暗唱文から選び、発表しました。3つの会場での予選に続いて、12名が進出したファイナルコンテストには津市教育委員会伊東様、山岡様にご出席いただきました。予選から出場者のみなさんの練習の成果が見え、審査員一同が素晴らしい発表に感動し、今年度もファイナリストと受賞者を選出するのは大変苦労しました。

中学生の部の出場者はMy challenge this yearとAn experience that changed meの中からテーマを選び、3分程度の自由作文を発表しました。自分の体験に結び付いた内容であったり、自分の意見を盛り込んで発表した姿がとても印象的でした。





It was our great pleasure to welcome elementary and junior high school students from across Mie Prefecture and beyond for the 15th Saint Joseph English Speech Contest for the Mayor’s Cup on Sunday 8 September 2024. Despite having had to reschedule the contest at very short notice due to the threatened impact of a typhoon on the original date one week earlier, we were delighted that 50 elementary school students and 22 junior high school students were still able to attend and perform their recitation or speech. The quality of entries in both divisions was once again very high, meaning that the judges had great difficulties in deciding the prizewinners. We express our gratitude to Mr. Ito and Ms. Yamaoka from the Tsu City Board of Education for attending the contest, with Mr. Ito awarding a trophy and certificate to the first-placed student in each division.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the sponsors of our contest, the Tsu City and Kameyama City Boards of Education, Nanzan University, the Chunichi Shimbun, Casio Computer Co. Ltd and the Eiken Foundation of Japan. It was also wonderful to see so many families and teachers offering their support on the day of the contest, and we recognize their great efforts in assisting the participating students in the run up to the contest.
Next year’s contest is scheduled to take place in late August or early September 2025. Information about the contest will be available on the school website in May.






中学生の部 出場者


中学生の部 入賞者
